03 April 2010

Los Angeles Is No Bangkok

April 1st, 2010

Email to JD:
LA was another strike out last night. I go out with my sister and one of her friends who I had already hooked up with a couple years ago. It was the friends 28th bday and she broke up with her boyfriend that afternoon. And being such a nice guy I tell her, "hey, dont worry about it, you guys'll be back together in no time. Just have fun tonight and enjoy yourself." of course im thinking, 'lets hope she gets drunk and wants a "get back at my boyfriend for breaking up with me on my birthday" fuck.

There were two reasons why i wanted to hook up with her...one, she was staying in a hotel room and I lost the couch I was surfing because my friend's mom was rolling into town, so I needed a place to stay. And two, she's cute and I severely needed to get laid.

Anyways, we get drunk, she keeps getting hit on by the guys at the bar and I'm thinking I no longer have a chance but at some point she comes over and I figure i have to beat those guys to the punch so i look at her and say, "kiss me." and she does. Now I'm thinking I'm golden and go off to play a game of pool. I come back to her and shes saying something about liking me and so i say, "well let's go back to your hotel room then." she says no and goes off to butterfly around the bar. When she comes back I say again, "I'm done drinking, let's go back to your room." she says no and then says, "I'm not gonna fuck you tonight." I say, "that's fine, Can we just go back to your room to sleep?" of course she says no, thinking im just saying that and will try to hook up once in the room, but i was serious, at that point i just wanted a place to sleep. I pout and go back to the pool table, but the bar is closing and the security is putting stools on it so i just wander around the bar. My sister finds me and tells me she's heading home.

I catch a ride, but don't want to sleep in the studio apt with her and her bf, so I go sleep in my rental car. It's a Toyota Corolla and it's fucking freezing. But before I try and sleep I call May in Thailand, she was apparently at a temple. It was a good call. After the call I check the length. It was 7 minutes long. I check AT&T on billing. $3.52/min. Ouch, that's an LT. But still, I go to sleep happy. Shivering and alone in my car, but happy that someone out there misses me, or at least pretended to for 7 minutes.

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