26 February 2010

"...I'm Free"

I stumbled home from Walking Street solo last week around 4am. I noticed that the english bar across from my hotel where JD and I usually start the night was still open so instead of heading up to my room I head to the bar. One of the service girls was there doing Jager-Lipo(energy drink) shots with a few of her girlfriends and called me over to join them. I obviously didn't need another drink, but 3 shots later I was ready for a black soda. One of the friends was crushing on me. She spoke excellent English. I asked why and apparently she has had a longterm boyfriend from Ireland or England or something. And I guess she just received her monthly allowance from him because she was buying us rounds of drinks and refused to let me pay for mine. 7am I was cooked and the sun was starting to rise so I was saying my goodbyes and the girl leaned over to me and said, "Can I come with you? I'm free." I laughed at that cause one of the other girls at the table had on a t-shirt that said 'No Money, No Honey', and then turned to her and said, "Ok, let's go."

We ended up fucking for an hour or so, she was super enthusiastic and attentive, and I couldn't sleep afterwards because of all the energy drink shots, so we head back across the street where the others are still going strong. unbelievable. We hang out there for another hour before heading back to my room around 9:30 or so for another rodeo session before finally passing out.

I wake up an hour later to her phone ringing. She looks at me and puts her finger to her lips. It's her boyfriend. So here we are, the two of us, laying there naked and she's holding the phone to her ear with one hand and holding my exhausted cock with the other. She's telling him about her night, which surprisingly she leaves out the part about going to a hotel room with a guy for a marathon fuck. She makes plans to meet up with him for lunch and gets off the phone. We go at it one more time before she showers and leaves.

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