20 March 2010

The Japanese...

The Japanese are a funny culture. This was obvious from the start...

I deport the plane, head thru immigration, become hummored with the cute Japanese lady trying to get the fucking Chinese tourists to que in a line, and move onward..

Next up customs.

Sure I arrived solo, sure it was from Thailand, sure I have a bunch of
Cambodian visas in my passport and sure I look like a degenerate...

But bro did you really have to show me four different pages with pot on them and ask at each page if I had any.

Were the five pages of heroin in it's various forms and the subsequent stop on each really necessary...

Only got asked if I had a wepon once, showed me a cartoon a child must have drawn of a revolver and the word "BOOM!!!" at the end of the barrel...

"don't have one of those either...."

The came the search...

First when I agree to let you search the bag you don't have to stop and ask permission for each individual pocket...


So let's unpack my big bag first....

What's this a giant bottle of pills that rattles? (vitamins)

Let's not even open the fucker up... Nope it rattles just like vitamins do... Must be the real thing...

What do we have here a big as bottle of baby powder, sure looks like
J&J to me let it slide...

Ahh what do we have here. A mysterious blue bag with what appears to be two boxes inside and a rubberband around the whole thing...

Yep this must be the extra contacts the kid bought cause they were cheaper in Thailand... Yep that's what it is...

No opening required....

Now were on to something... The fucking dirty socks... Let's unroll them and look inside....

Bro are you part of the special needs customs dept or something?

Holy shit...

Bag number two.

What's this a rolled up heavy as hell leather coat.

Feels like nice leather let's let it slide without an unroll...

A tube of toothpaste... Naa people never put drugs in there...

Yep, we found the spot the empty pocket... Let's peek really hard inside to confirm it's empty...

Now we have the pad down... A little excessive but he kept away from the boys so I was ok...

To top it off let's check the shoes, and I'm talking under the insoles check the shoes...

I was waiting for the you're on Japanese TV camera to pop out....

Never did...

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