17 March 2010

T Minus 9

T minus 9. 1pm. Lay in bed and chat with Poy's friend from the night before. She seems so cute and innocent and is constantly giving me little hugs and kisses and I am thinking I want to spend the rest of the day with her. Then I ask her where she works. She said she doesn't work anymore, but up until recently worked at a Soi 6 bar. Soi 6 bars are short time bars, which means the girls are fucking 5-6 dudes a day. Hmmm, I think I just remembered I have shit to do and can't hang out with her, but not before hitting it one more time.

A quick aside: Poy told me she would go to a bar on Soi 6 where her friend worked when she needed some fast cash. So JD and I went to the bar cause I wanted to check out the kind of room she was fucking dudes in. I know, bad idea. Anyways, there are only two girls working there when we show up and both are mediocre, but I went in with a game plan so I had to execute it and agreed to go with the one that kept grabbing my johnson. She was ugly as hell so I didn't want to fuck, just a quick smoke. With condom on. Once out of the dark bar and in the light of the room I realize how fucking ugly this girl is, but I'm not one to give up so I go thru with it. The room was nice though. Aircon, clean sheets, even a desk and chair(tho not sure when those are used).

3pm. Go eat lunch at this street vendor lady up the street and notice the shorttime friend of Poy from this morning eating at a bar next door to the vendor. She sees me and calls me over. I play pool with her and get an unexpected call from May, the girl that essentially left me at the alter the week before for her Aussie boyfriend that was in town for the week. I excitedly answer it and tell her I'll call her back in 5. I quickly finish the pool game and say goodbye to ST girl.

3:30pm. Make plans with May to see her tonight.

6pm. Go to gym for a shit workout and tell myself I need to eat more protein and drink more water.

9pm. Head off to meet May.

10pm. We meet up with T at Lucifer, have a few drinks and then go play some pool at Ibar. May knows the dancers there and after chatting with them she comes back to tell me that she knows I am mafia. What? Apparently, the dancers at Ibar see me in there all the time talking to different people and have come to the conclusion that I am somehow involved in the local mafia. I deny it, but in a way that makes her think I am lying about it. No wonder they have been bumping me up the list on the pool table the last few times I've gone there.

1am. May and I head upstairs to dance for a bit.

3am. We head home, but not before stopping for a pair of chicken kebabs.

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