12 December 2009

Whiskey and Tears (and a Kebab)

"what you want on it?"
i look at the onions then glance over at Po and think, 'sorry girl', and say to the vendor, "i'll take everything. extra onions."
"you want garlic sauce?"
god these fuckin kebabs.."yeah." 'poor Po' i think as i watch him squeeze some cheap creamy garlic sauce on the pita. i'm salivating, 'these things are delicious!' tho i made the mistake of trying one when i was sober. they're not as good as the ones in the kebab shop in dtown SD or nowhere near as good as the turkish kebabs in barcelona, but when my liver is soaked in whiskey these street chicken kebab knock-offs taste pretty damn good.

i finish my food in about 2 seconds and as we start making our way down an alleyway off walking street headed towards Po's bike my phone buzzes. shit. a txt. Kun had txted me earlier, 'where r u?' and i replied, 'i go home. i go sleep' thinking that would be the end of it for the night and i could just see her tomorrow, but when i take a sneak peak at this txt i see it's from Kun, 'ok, i see u in 30 minute'. FUCK! i cannot have Po over and then Kun banging on the front door. ..now i have to make a game time decision. do i txt Kun 'no' and hope she doesn't show up or play it safe by being an asshole and bouncing on Po? i hate making decisions.
"ok, you drive." she says as she hands me the keys to her motorbike.
i stand there with the keys dangling from my hand, "uh, well, i, uh, have to go."
"i, we cannot, i leave. i go home."
"u leave me? u came to lucifer to see me? why you leave me?"
"ummm, well..it's, this SMS, it.."
she cuts me off, "you have lady?! why you not tell me?!"
"im sorry. i like you, but yes, i have to go talk to lady. it's not what you think. i know her before you."
"what u mean not what i think? it 4am. what u have talk about at 4am?" she says as tears start rolling down her cheeks. [JD says these girls can produce tears on command to better get what they want. i hope he's right and she was just playing me]
now with the tears i feel like even more of an ass, "im really sorry Po," i say, "i like you, i do, but i have to go." and turn and walk home to greet Kun.

i met Po less than 24 hours before at lucifer. i went out that night with the intention of not meeting or taking home any ladies. up until JD left to go snag one of Gif's barmates i was doing ok. i was avoiding eye contact and to resist temptation i was completely ignoring the really hot ones, but there i was standing alone sipping on my retched maekong soda and watching the live band perform perfect covers of mainstream hip hop songs when cute little Po comes over and asks me, "hi, where u friend?"
teasing her i say, "oh, why you not want me? he gone. he go see lady. have fun. bye bye." and walk towards the bar to put down my glass and head out of the club ready to congratulate myself on successfully remaining solo. as i'm walking out i try to pass her and she stands in front of me, "i do want you, i shy and not know what to say to talk to you. i see you with friend before and not now so i ask."
wow. this girl is cute and speaks good engrish, but i promised myself i wouldn't take home a girl. damnit.
"oh ok, what your name?"
"po. and u?"
she ended up back at my house an hour later and we didn't leave my room until 7pm the next night.
"you can do everything. but not my butt."
"well, then you can't say everything."
i don't think more than 5 minutes went by where she wasn't playing with my cock. if it wasn't in her hand or pussy it was in her mouth. this girl was a true performer, and at 5', quite the spinner. when we did finally leave my room it was just to the lobby to drink whiskeys and discuss the night's plans with JD.

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